Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hi, Kerry here, A.K.A. D.J. White Boy Conga, A.K.A @studiodog. A few days ago Billy and I relocated from Los Angeles and set up camp in Chicago. I am proud to say that after many months of working out new material the official process of recording the new Smashing Pumpkins record has begun.

As many of you know there is a new addition to the band, 19 year old drummer Mike Byrne, he is just amazing behind the kit and a really cool person to hang out with. Over the past few days working with master engineer Bjorn Thorsrud we nailed a killer drum sound and just started dialing in the bass a guitar tones. It all starting to sound very exciting.

My hope is to update this blog daily (Monday through Saturday) during the making of the record. Have a great weekend and I'll see you on Monday.
Love, K.B.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Kerry! Exciting times! Happy recording.

-Tyler aka @exclaimed

Chris said...

.yay exciting...thanks. for keeping us updated

merveilleuse said...

i look forward to your posts :)

- @iammerveilleuse

Allison Claire said...

It looks great Kerry! I will be excited to read all about it. :) xoxo

Cara Patricia said...

So excited!

Myopia2020 said...

Sounds like my fantasy of being a fly on the studio wall may come true :) Thanks, Kerry! @Myopia2020

Le Deux Machina said...

will be reading this blog everyday. good to know that recording has begun.

norma said...

BRAVO!!! Can't wait to hear the new tunes. So excited to read your next posting. Thanks for sharing the experience with us. Peace and Love. Take care.

Unknown said...

I can't wait. The tracks I heard live at Pioneertown were amazing! Keep living the dream.

goldengriffin90 said...

Thanks for blogging about the new SP material, Kerry. I know I'm absolutely pumped about the new music. :P Best of luck with the recordings.

JOY said...

cool pic.
love @joyous1119
but then again, you knew that. :)
happy 13

Brock said...

So exciting to peer into the process! You guys rawk.

Dave said...

i appreciate you setting this blog up. i'll be following it for sure.

Outsiderlady said...

Can't wait !

jstadele said...

Thanks for starting the blog Kerry! Looking froward to the music!

Linda Strawberry said...

yay glitter cop is here! policing all our glitter. love you!

Unknown said...

Sweet! Thanks for the updates, and good luck with the sessions

Unknown said...

Happy recording indeed, can't wait to experience the results! :D

gyang333 said...

wow, this is awesome, i hope that you'll not be worked too hard to update this everyday lol.

Robin Banks said...


Roxanna said...

So amazing. Thank you for letting us have a peek inside your dream!

spOOky aka Mark VII said...

Hey KB! It's your local LA Fish Wrangler! Just chillin watching the Tropical Fish Sleep....zzzzzzzzz
Time ta hit the rack myself! Loved the techie stuff!...can't wait to check out the new tunes and muchas gracias for the effort put forth on this blog-a-rama! Give my best to the Chicago crew!
Your retro "keys" man...
Mark VII!