Monday, October 12, 2009

Digging Deep Into Song #4

Good Monday Morning, after some very long days last week we finished song number 3 and I am very excited about the direction it took. Yesterday we were able to catch up on some well deserved sleep. Today we are digging deep into song number 4. Mike just finish a slamming drum take and we are setting up to start recording Billy's parts. As we move forward toward the light at the end of the tunnel time seems to be accelerating. I have not had the time to update the blog as much as would like. I hope you enjoy the video and photos. The amazing photos posted today were taken by Kristin Burns please visit her website at Have a great day. xo K.B.


Menrad said...

It's getting more and more exciting ! Thanks Kerry !

joaopedro7 said...

finally, thanks kerry

merveilleuse said...

a daily blog is a big commitment. don't worry about leaving people waiting, otherwise it will become a chore. that being said, i love the updates, so thank you <3

Allison Claire said...

I agree with merveilleuse. You are so busy and so if you skip a couple days, it's not a big deal. :) I am so happy things are going well. Love you guys! xoxo

Revolution-Evolution said...

Thanks for the update, looks and sounds great. Plus, it's really fun to be able to follow the recording process, even in these small amounts. Keep up the good work!

the goat's head said...

Can I just ask you all of my studio related questions when you get home?

studiodog said...

Love you Ronji. We will hang when I get back... I am hoping to answer the question this week. God I need more time... don't we all?

Myopia2020 said...

You're doing a *FANTASTIC* job, Kerry :) Don't worry about skipping a day every now and then. Witnessing this whole process is priceless!

Unknown said...

Great! is "song for a son" the song number 4?

Anonymous said...

Those photos are fantastic!

Oh man, Oh man, Oh man, A Song for a Son!

elizabethmarie said...

I <3 this blog. xo

Anonymous said...

great already noted, don't worry 'bout it daily....keep it fun:)

Tania Thoughts said...

I'm hoping that I will like all of the music as much as it sounds like I'll like this song. Thanks for the updates, I'm enjoying it and I keep checking back every day and this and also Everything From Here To There has me really pumped, excited, and above all, inspired.

Unknown said...

Nice. Looks just like my Rhodes, except that mine is white.

One of my favorite instruments of all time.

Mayonaise said...

I love the beginning of "Song For A Son". It sounds fantastic! We all really can't thank you guys enough for keeping us filled in all the time. I mean- doing the whole recording process is enough on your plate, I'm sure, and to add onto that all of these internet updates? It's amazing! Thank you, again, and Teargarden by Kaleidyscope sounds like it will be a great success. I can't wait!

P.S. Take your time on answering our questions, seriously. We would rather you spend quality time making the songs rather than using it for the video blog. Happy recording!

Unknown said...

Keep posting!!!

Looking forward for the new songs.

Unknown said...


Jon Hobbes said...

I love what I'm hearing so far. Haven't been this into a band/album/concept in quite awhile.

And will blogs stop identifying me as titles from my Google Books library? Embarrassing ...

chris said...

I'm so jealous you guys are living the dream.. The music will be fantastic, I can feel it. A couple more weeks and we might have some music. WOOO :)


lostfan said...

Why are you kidding yourselves?
This song is so average.The Spirits in the Sky performance of it is less than average.
The die-hards once again rush to proclaim how great it is but they'll turn up if you play a polka to give you a false sense of security while everyone else has stayed away.
You are their Emperor and these songs are your new clothes.

bagsbagley said...

I can't remember the last time I was this excitied about a album/songs coming out, must have been the early ninties at least. Thanks so much Kerry for the daily blog. Is such a pleasure to log in and have a gander at before bed each day (New Zealand Time). Keep fighting the good fight, we are all so excited!

Unknown said...

This song is one of the best Billy has written imo! It feels so pure.

Ryan said...

Thank you, Kerry, for the effort you put into this blog. I agree with those above me; don't worry about constant updates. Keep up the good work!

charlie said...

Seria chevere un intro asi para la cancion "song for a son" el pequeño baterista se pone la capucha como Billy, que lindo!! y se la quita cuando lo ve ooooohhhh

Unknown said...

"A Song for a Son" is an amazing track.. unreal.. proves that Billy's writting skills are alive. hope that song will be on "Teargarden by Kaleidyscope". just amazing. live version of it sounds amazing

Vince said...

Skateboarders have your back Billy! Billy should skateboard!

Matt Sevrens said...

That really is a fucking amazing sound. I hope that makes it onto the recording with prevalence.

Matt Sevrens said...

@lost fan. You're so negative. Fucking... the mighty SP is TOTALLY back on track from what I've heard recently. I am very positive about the future of the smashing pumpkins!

pauly said...

not trying to be a dick, could someone switch the snares off, thanks

theburningdisc said...

Is it really that cold in the studio? Ysanne Spevack is really crouched by that heater...or at least I think that's a heater.

Blue Jeroen said...

tonight tonight
Fleetwood Mac
in Ahoy Rotterdam
cant wait
love the mac

theburningdisc said...

As for the music, how can anyone be sure that this is actually the component of a particular song? I just thought Billy was noodling around on the keys.

Unknown said...

It's a component of Song for a Son, and people know that by.... listening to the song. What happened to updates everyday? Too good to be true, as usual. Soon, once a week will be too much, and then this blog will simply go away. As will the vision of 44 songs.

joaopedro7 said...

would you prefer an unbelievable mind-blowing record or a DAILY blog without any content? Ryan......seacrest?

Unknown said...

Good call.... I repent. Bad day, sorry!

Brady said...

Love it! I just received the "A Song For A Son" email earlier,listened to it, and then heard it's beginnings on the piano on this post. Thanks for sharing moments like this. This kind of shizzle means a lot to fans! :)

Unknown said...

when will you come in France SP? Im eager to listen to you in live T_T

Unknown said...

and I'm waitin to shadow land...

jordandm said...

very radical. i'm a big fan of the Rhodes sound. very cool tone with the phase shifter involved. yum.

ridonkulous said...

Mike looks adorable! And he's wearing a shirt from Hollister! Whodathunk that a big alt rock band would be wearing the fashion of middle-school girls? :)

Rachel Malley said...

KB ... come find me when you have a spare 30 seconds. In the usual place. <3 moonbaby.

7seasofrye said...

Cant wait for them to sail me away!!

David T said...

I love the beautiful melodic piercing clarity. It's almost as if this music always existed in a timeless way. strangely Platonic. A very small annoyance in the lyrics is that we sailors use charts not maps.

MLB2k11 said...

getting more and more exciting.
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