Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Effect Pedals Used on Early SP Recordings


'My first mental recognition of the 'power' of the Big Muff came one night when i just happened to drop by a Catherine band practice. Catherine was Kerry's band in the 90's, and we used to share the same rehearsal space (they were the only band we trusted not to steal our shit and vice-versa). So i walked in and i just heard this tremendous ROAR and i thought to myself 'how are they making that sound?'. Each of the 3 guitarists had Big Muffs and the sounds was very Sabbath-like, just throwing this tremendous low drone buzz into the room. I knew that the band Mudhoney used Big Muffs but honestly they weren't using them like Catherine did. So i owe a debt of gratitude to Catherine for showing me the purple fuzz light. We used to try to use the pedals live but it was impossible for there wasn't enough clarity. We did use other Electro-Harmonix pedals live, like the Electric Mistress. We only had one of these in the beginning and James and I used to take turns over who would use it on a given night. Since we were mostly playing clubs we were looking for anything to take your head off and separate the sound of the guitar from the incessant din. The Big Muff pictured is 'the' one from Siamese Dream, the fuzz that launched a 1,000 other dreams i suppose. Almost all the heavy tracks were recorded thru this, solos included. Many songs would have as many as 8 fuzz guitars going at once. It was very difficult to record the tracks with this sound, but once it went right it was BLAMMO, a huge, huge sound. The settings you see in the picture are the exact settings for if you look close enough you can still see the pencil marks on the volume and tone. I had all sorts of theories of how to best use this pedal, including the idea that it only sounded its 'best' when used with a battery (as opposed to a power supply). I'm not much for going backwards but it is tempting to crack out all the old gear sometime and give it one more go. Maybe somewhere in amongst the 44 songs of Teargaden by Kaleidyscope I can find one such moment to do so. The sound of the combo of the Bat Strat, the Big Muff, and the Soul head with Mars cabinet is still unmistakable.
One quick funny story: I used to shop at this music store in San Francisco, and in the early 90's they were selling these pedals back then for about 40 bucks because nobody wanted them. About a year after Siamese came out, '94 i guess, I went to the same store to see if they still had any. The guy behind the counter knew me from before, and told me, 'yeah, i got a couple.' I said 'ok, how much?' '200 bucks' he said casually (which at that time was A LOT for a vintage pedal. '200 bucks!!!! Why are they so much?? Are they rare or unusual?' He said, 'no, but ever since you talked about using them we've sold about 75 vintage muffs. Sorry man, they're all looking for your sound!'. What he didn't know was they were really looking for the Catherine sound.

I am laughing as I watch this video for many reasons. I remember asking Billy if he had some clothes I could borrow to wear for the video. So that would be Billy's heavy, furry coat I'm wearing, not sure where the Hershey's Kiss hat came from!
Love, K.B.


Unknown said...

That vid brought back memories. I still dig out my Sleepy, Sorry, and Hot Saki CDs now and again. Its cool to see how they inspired so much

Outsiderlady said...

I don't know if you'll like it but damn !! you look like kurt Cobain ..I've never realised it !

( to me looking like Kurt is a compliment, he's really cute)

Good to hear that story, interresting..I did reconize the sound!!

jstadele said...

Thanks for the story Kerry and Billy! Very cool. I have a Big Muff sitting right here...and I did buy to get the supposed SP sound...now I know I am just dialing in Catherine ;) Hahaha!

Thanks again!


Unknown said...

"The sound of the combo of the Bat Strat, the Big Muff, and the Soul head with Mars cabinet is still unmistakable"

Why must you tease us!!! Just do it, bust out all the old gear, and re-record Siamese Dream while your at it. OK maybe that's going a little too far, but seriously the thought of NEW material being recorded with the same instruments that created the music that inspired and touched so many people is exciting to say the very least. Love the blog and am super duper excited about Teargarden by Kaleidyscope.

Chris MacLennan said...

So uhhh plug em in and turn em up, make my ears bleed!!!

__curtis said...

lol @ all the guitar geeks who insisted Billy used an early '70 triangle knob muff.


__curtis said...

In the 90s I had a green russian one, and then graduated to the Sustain Punch version. My strat > jcm 900 produced a similar tone.


themadcaplaughs said...

I'm not going to lie, I'm one of those thousands of people who bought a Big Muff to emulate the "SP" err..."Catherine" sound. I have had a ton of fun messing around with the pedal myself, but seeing the settings used on Siamese Dream is a wonderful treat!

Anonymous said...

Wow Kerry, that was so cool! I've never really listened to Catherine! What a great sound!

And that's still you on percussion, right?

Great story Billy! I'll be sure to set my Big Muff to the same setting so I can get your sound too! Haha. ; )

Unknown said...

Hmm, funny it reminds me a lot of the way my Big Muff looks. my settings are slightly different, though.


Menrad said...

Thanks Billy and Kerry for that piece of rock history !

Fuzz said...

Wow great story! I really love fuzz pedals (even my name on my google account is fuzz lol!)

I use a fulltone octafuzz, sounds great, very versatile.

Is there a lot of difference between billy's muff and the new ones?

theburningdisc said...

So does this mean there will be no more studio entries?

visualdistortion said...

Hi Kerry what is exactly the model of Big Muff?!

A EH-3003 or EH-3003 OP AMP or EH-132.

Thanks a lot :)

leroy said...

This is the best blog in the universe.
The muff that saved the world.

spguitar said...

Please post some info on the Mellon Collie tour gear. I'd love to know if Billy used the Deep mode on the Mesa Strategy 500 and if he primarily used OD1 on the JMP-1 preamp.

merveilleuse said...

loved this! :)

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for posting this. Any distortion pedals being used on the new songs thus far?

jerome said...
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jerome said...

we had a crap load of those big muffs in that practice space, i still have my 60/early 70's muff to this day! ... now who has my first gen whammy pedal?

leroy said...

I used to know a girl who had a big muff but know shes into tube screamers.

Jpisciotta said...

I think every Pumpkin fan who plays guitar has owned a big muff at one point or another.. haha.

Personally, I can't wait to hear what new effects contraptions will dominate the next generation of music..

mybrainhurts said...

Hey Kerry,
All of us at Electro-Harmonix enjoyed reading your post "Billy Talks About The Effect Pedals Used on Early SP Recordings. " With your permission we would love to post this to our blog on www.ehx.com . Let me know if this would be possible. Keep up the awesome posts.

Rock & Roll,

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Unknown said...

Maybe you guys are planning to use Billy's didgeridoo on the new songs? it would be kinda experimental, unique and interesting, all in one :).

Brett said...

I really enjoy hearing these stories and the equipment selection processes.
"..and now you know, the rest of the story."

Andrew said...

I haven't taken the Sleepy! EP out of its case in a long while. Thanks for the reminder. :)

butterfly said...

Love the latest blog update studiodog & thnx to billy too for sharing his stories! I always look forward to reading your blog so much, hope to hear from you soon,i'm off to listen to the Sleepy EP again!
luv n shamrocks, sue xxx (@rebeldiamondz)

Brett said...

I hope Billy feels free enough to use whatever sound he likes without hesitation.
There is no reason why he shouldn't use the sound of the 'strat, Muff, Soul head. Its a f'ing cool sound!

Unknown said...

I think you guys should really record 'Gossamer'. Live version sounds so amazing, so heavy and psychedelic.

SpeedKills said...

Can't wait for the 1st song! Its a week after Halloween already.. Dying to hear something fresh from the SP...

Kit Rae said...

In case Billy is wondering, based on the graphics, knobs, and tone/sustain settings, that Big Muff is a V4 op-amp Muff from around 1978. It looks the same as the later V3 transistor Muffs, but the pots were in a different orientation on that version which would not allow Billy's sustain setting, and definitely would not have the correct sound with his tone setting. The op-amp version does work with those settings. Nice to finally have the Siamese Dream Muff mystery finally revealed!

armsofsleep said...

I can't find Catherine music anywhere! Help Me!

Joe said...

kr, thanks for that impressive detective work -- and your website is great, by the way! can i just confess how much it makes me giggle to discover that the main distortion pedal used in the Siamese Dream guitar sound, easily among of my favorite guitar sounds ever recorded, is made NOT from those expensive germanium transistors that vintage / boutique snobs endlessly masturbate about, but from lowly and disdained dirt-cheap op amp chips????
i also have a barely-related prediction to make: i think that the next album to set a benchmark for incredible guitar sound, the way siamese dream did, will likely involve the Milbert Amplifiers GAGA-50... they've invented a way to build a tube amp that doesn't need power OR output transformers, and it apparently quantum-leaps beyond the limitations of every kind of amp that does have transformers. no i don't work for them, but after reading up on this thing, good god i wish i did -- because they're going to be (deservedly) rich.

Kit Rae said...

Of course there is always a possibility that it is not an op-amp V4 Big Muff, and is a V3, that someone had modded or replaced pots/swapped circuits, but unlikely. The only way to know is to get Billy to take a photo of the circuit board the next time he opens it up to change the battery.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

'No Surrender', 'Gossamer', '99 Floors', 'Owata', 'As Rome Burns' (my fav one), 'Mama', 'Peace + Love', 'Promise Me', 'The Leaving Lament', 'If Only in a Dream', 'A Song I Sing', 'I'm Doing The Best I Can', 'I Don't Mind'... These not recorded songs are great too... Don't forget them Billy.

RAWR said...

Kerry we need moar bloggage

WafflesAreYAY said...

Kerry, you need to post more blogs man.

devnulljp said...

Adding to the chorus: Please take a pic with the back off that big muff next time you change the battery. All evidence points to a late 70s v4 IC muff as Kit says, but we all want to know for sure what's inside.

Unknown said...

Hi Kerry,

This blog is surely an awesome idea you started and is almost a dream come true to some fans, to follow the band day by day. But please, once you started us on this awesomeness don't leave us hanging. We don't need daily updates but you know, every once in a while it's good.

Steve said...

Now that you guys are back in the studio, how about a Tech Thursday or something? We're hangin on!

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Unknown said...

I love old stomp boxes.
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EU VISTO!!! said...

Nice post! I loved "A Song For A Son"!!! Big hug from Brazil!

Javier Melo said...

Didn´t billy used a fender blender?

Cathexis said...

What "little" acoustic guitar did Billy use when writing the songs for Adore? I've always wanted to ask Billy what he did to overcome his writer's Block back in Siamese Dream days???

Cathexis said...

I remember him saying that he use to get up every morning and write songs for Adore on a little acoustic in L.A.

griffinfinity said...

What happened to the guitarizzmo? Anyone know?

Dave said...

come back to us Kerry!

SpeedKills said...

It has been more then one month now since a post. And I'm sad to see such a good initiative run dry.

This started so ambitious & so close to the fans. People were very enthousiastic to have these little insights into the recording process, and the guitar sounds of the past.

I myself felt very connected to the new song(s) and the recording process by reading this blog. It made me even more anxious to hear a new & finalized song!

We may have been spoiled with all your big posts & nice sneak peaks into the studio...

But maybe you were to ambitious to keep that going?

It is a shame if you throw such a great idea in the bin and stop this blog. Maybe if you do just 2 posts a month and some small twitterlike comments it's easier to handle for you and you can concentrate more on the recording and other important stuff..

Give this blog another go, please?

A fan...

merveilleuse said...
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Brian K said...

Batteries are definitely more interesting for the Big Muff once the 9V starts to die. It makes all sorts of strange sounds.

Unknown said...

Fender Blender was used on stuff like the live "Slunk", and the middle break on "Bullet with Butterfly Wings"

snail said...

I love the pedal used in "rhinoceros" off gish the most. Perhaps a Phaser / tremelo or something. Anyone know? So warm and cosy!

Unknown said...

the intro sounds like chorus and reverb to my ears. Try it out

Unknown said...

fanks furry memmerees...awk creed reel tearsoliver muss elf whin eye heerd dumb afarkin up my lissentours, yup. Fanks to yall, omma gettin be a libble fang in muh airs tubby a herein fokes atockin out dare buts frumnow own,oak hay. huh-huh, yuppers.
muh airdrums lukelack davy crockits jackit...a-huh-huh!

Unknown said...
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