YES... A productive day in the studio yesterday..We have 2 control rooms up and running... We finished recording Billy's vocals for the first song and started tracking song number 2!
I went to bed last night happy, tired and without a clue as to what this blog should be about. Then I woke happy, in need of coffee, and without a clue as to what this blog should be about. Then I had some coffee and it came to me... You ask a question, I'll answer it.
So leave your question in the comment box before 5pm CTZ and I'll answer it.
Talk to you in a bit.
Love K.B.
What's in Billy's rig as far as effects pedals? I'm sure he has plenty, but what's mainly being used.
Also, what's the overall vibe of the song(s)? Happy? Sad?
What are you using as a mic setup for the guitars?
who will be mixing these songs? and where?
I hope it's not cheating if I ask two...
1) What mics are you using/planning to use for vocals?
2) What's going to surprise us the most about these songs when we finally hear them?
I am assuming you just recorded "the trip" and I was wondering how true to the live version it is or did it change a lot in the studio.
Are there any guitar tracks played with an e-bow (on this song or in the future)?
How much input are any of the other musicians putting in? Will Jeff or Ginger be doing any recording with Billy and Mike?
And I would also be interested in Bill's guitar rig as well as Mikes setup
When can we expect to hear some leaked clips on your blog? ;) ;)
Why did you choose the Chicago for the recording and what's difference with L.A.? I mean, musically, or mechanically. I've read some musicians mentioned when they've recordning in L.A. those sounds are dry like the local weather in L.A.. So I am wondering if there are any differences with you guys as well, because you've recorded the demo tracks in L.A. and now recording in Chicago... Or mood in the studio has some differences?
Will we be hearing any of the 'sitar' of old? And Kimberly Kay?
and does Billy still have my cubs bear?
So what song did you record The Trip? or Astral Planes (both of which I thought were the fringe songs that were being played with spirits because billy wanted to see what they had) and what prompted busting out the "secret weapon" guitar. Thanks again for doing this blog!
Thanks Kerry.
How come you guys are not using a producer as most records have in the past? Is there anyone to say "hey, you should play that part like this and take out that last chorus."
Is Dave Navarro going to play on the new Album?
when is Carina Round coming in the studio?
How committed is Billy to seeing out this 44-track piecemeal strategy? We've seen a lot of great ideas started, and even more great ideas teased, in the past that were aborted before they could achieve their potential and it's frustrating as a fan. Everyone wants to believe in this ambitious project, and we know he's prolific and the material is there, but will he be easily dissuaded by boredom or negative criticism?
So it seems that the recording process is really moving along... (realizing that these songs have long since been written and demo'd of course). From what I've read about those Siamese Dream sessions with Butch, and what's been written about Adore, MCIS, Zeitgeist, etc., studio time with SP has been tortured and tedious in the past. Have these sessions been any different? Why or why not, and how will that affect the final product if at all?
are Jeff, Ginger and Lisa going to be involved in the studio process? I'm undecided on whether it would impact the process much at all, but I'm still curious to know what they're up to? I assume Ginger will be out for a while due to the pregnancy, but I'm hoping theyl all be around for a future tour at least!
Q: Can I please have one of the guitar picks that were used? :)
(slightly shameful plea, but still a question)
Hey there! I'm really liking your blog and the open window into this project.
Are you and Mike gonna switch off on drums on certain songs like the Spirits shows or is he 'the' drummer now? Are there any other extra percussion beyond Congas being used?
Is "Freak" (performed by Spirits In The Sky) one of the songs you are working on now?
Hey Kerry!
Are there going to be any "special guests" on these recording sessions?
for instance I loved Linda Strawberry singing with Billy on "Freaks."
Thanks for taking some time out to which i'm sure is a hectic schedule!
are you guys still on track to release the first song at the end of october? and will there be any album artwork accompanying the releases?
I remember how FOL did not have any official artwork
i'm interested in your preferred method for tracking.. click or no click? live then overdub?
also I heard that this album is going back to the earlier sound of the Pumpkins.. are your methods for achieving this mean resorting to techniques that were used back then?.. (i.e. 60+ track layers of guitars)
Love the Blog Studiodog.. keep up the awesome work!
Could you tell me what effect pedals and amplifier Billy used on the SITS tour? I really like the tone. He used two pedals and I know that one pedal was a Red Witch (but I don't know which one) and the other pedal was the color white.
This has been driving me crazy.. thank you for this Q&A opportunity.
Is there any kind of inspiration for the lyrics of these songs? Billy's lyrics always had something to say...
The vox on the first song you worked on sound most like what previous Pumpkins tune?
Is Billy using/planning to use his signature Fender Strat on any of the recordings, or is it all vintage Gibsons and 'secret weapons'??
First I'd like to say thank you for taking the time to do this blog... With the infinite options at every chain in the signal path, do you find yourself, Billy or the others having trouble settleing on "the" sound?
Some engineers get a good sound and go, and others just keep trying more and more options. Do you find yourself having to stop and say "it's good enough" and stop tweaking?
I commend your efforts on recording in analogue format. However, I'm assuming that the majority of the recordings will be distributed digitally (i.e. downloads). In your opinion, which digital format best preserves the analogue feel? Keep up the excellent work! I can't wait to hear the results...
I know this project is still kind of in the beginning stage, but any idea if, or when, there might be an SP tour?
Thanks Kerry!
xo eBeth
I can't believe no one has asked yet...are there currently any plans for a studio version of Gossamer? Aside from the ones that were played at the SITS shows, have we heard any of the 44+ songs that Billy has written yet? Such as 99 Floors, Owata, As Rome Burns, A Song For A Son, etc.
Are you going to post more videos of the recording process? or even give us teases of some of the new songs? What is the plan with recording in regards to the band members? (Jeff and Ginger)
Chris Soldatos from Michigan
What's the title of the songs being recorded right now?
I saw Mark with the Electric Prunes in Connecticut not long ago and I learned that, not only is he an excellent bass player, he's also got a very nice singing voice. Are we going to get to hear some backup singing from people other than Billy this time around?
Don't get me wrong. Billy's a great singer, but things always sound more natural live when other people sing backup for him.
First I'd like to thank you for the blog and letting us all see how the (hectic) recording process takes place. I've been playing guitar and writing songs for the last 13 years and have only recorded in home studios/bedrooms/garages ect. This winter I am finally dropping some cash to go in with a band I've formed from a close and talented group of friends to record what I've created professionally. What advice can you offer to those diving into a studio for the first time like myself? What should I watch out for and expect? (besides the unexpected) Is there anything I should try experimenting with while in the studio? Thanks for your time and good luck with the rest of the recording. -Eddie
What kind of effects pedals is billy using? I assume he is going full analog.. but are they all custom brands such as effects handmade in germany..?
Are you sending your mix through those four buses, or are you working it out to be able to track channel for channel? Of course, if your going to tape, you're probably going to limit your space as much as possible right?
Does that mean your pretty much mixing as you go?
What source will the distortion come from in the song(s) if any at all? Which amp, what pedal, combo of both?
And what's your favorite cereal?
Could you guys come to Denver?
For those of us who were not at the Spirits shows... How is the chemistry between Billy and Mike? How do they react to one another in the studio?
First of all let me just say, blessed be the coffee that brought you to this idea!!
Second, I'd like to take this opportunity to tell you that we (Portugal) miss you! (Yes, you, Kerry Brown). Last time I saw you was at the Bullfight Arena at Cascais in May, 1996. Awesome show.
Last but not least, the question: If you had to choose an old song to represent the mood going on in the studio and the spirit of the new songs, which would it be and why?
I wish you all the best of luck and am looking forward to the new material. You guys rock. Thank you.
PS: Ginger and Jeff are absolutely awesome!!
This is similar to a previous question. I won't ask which ones, but a simple yes or no is good. Are there new songs that the band played live on the 20th Anniversary tour that are planning to be recorded?
Is there any talk of including Billy's giant synth named "Ichabod" on any of these recordings?
P.S. Great work on the blog. It's pretty much the highlight of my day when I see a new entry. Can't wait to hear what you guys are doing.
P.P.S. I'm also quite happy that you are working with Billy on this project.
Thank you for taking the time to update the blog.
Question #1: You've mentioned that the SP team is going to record/mix/produce each song on its own merits and with whatever instruments and techniques suits the song.
Is there an overarching "sound" that Billy is looking for on "Teargarden by Kaliedyscope"?
Question #2: Any idea at this point what bitrate quality the initial free song release will be, versus what the EP/boxset quality will be? (e.g. 128 kbps for the initial release and 320 for the EP?)
How many guitar tracks are on the first song?
How are the songs being selected for recording? Is it what is feeling "right" at the time, a stylistic variation, theme?
And is the order of the released tracks intended to be the sequence of the album? As in, is this first song released supposed to be track 1?
Thank you!
Is "Freak" going to be on the new record?
Hey Kerry
Do you guys need any interns? Coffee runners? Drivers?
I live in downtown Chicago, study "music production" at Columbia College and would love an opportunity.
Thanks :)
Well, might as well ask another one.
It appears as though "The Trip" and "Astral Planes" are being recorded.
Billy commented that the tracks being played at the SITS shows were in the "B pile" and the songs he was already sure about they weren't playing.
Did the response to the SITS songs lead to them being recorded first?
Is there a definite recording order to the songs at this point, or is it based on feeling?
can you give us an idea as to what approach Billy is taking with his vocals, seeing as you recorded them yesterday? I.e., will they be very upfront in the mix, with lots of harmonizing like in Zeitgeist, or is he going to adopt the more snarly tone he used on, say MCIS?
I have long wondered if Billy is still fond of using KT88's in his amps, or if that was mostly on the Soul head. Thanks, and I can't wait to hear the new stuff.
1) What tips do you have for someone diving into recording head first, almost no experience (I took a stab at it a few months ago and learned a few things, but not nearly enough)? I'm going to be putting down guitar track(s), bass, and vocals on Pro Tools and am totally petrified.
Thanks so much! Coffee rocks. :)
What happened to Billy's idea of a subscription service where people who pay can hear demos and stuff?
I would like to know if you have the project to record: song for a sun and as rome burn
Thank you
hoi from Jeroen
this album teargarden it is like sort of psychedalic
I would like that.
great one for the fans.
and greetings from holland
Hi. Thanks for hearing us today. :)
I really loved the way MCIS had so many different "types" of songs. Different sounds, textures, moods and over all feels to each song. Absolutely brilliant. Will these "44" songs all be "different" as the MCIS songs were? Sure hope so.
Would love to know also if there might be an "instrumental only" song in the bunch?
Thanks for your time! Tell Billy "Thank You So Much for Everything!" And thank you, too. :)
You've shown us some of the equipment (guitars and amps) that billy has been using to record with...could you perhaps fill us in on some of the effects pedals kicking around in the studio?...im an avid collector and just curious what you guys are running on the floor...
ps: Please come back to Columbia, South Carolina when touring again. :)
You have many many fans here. :)
Hi Kerry-
Did you mean to say "I'll pick 5 questions to answer..."? *wink*
(you can pick mine first to get yourself off the hook!)
What is your very favorite song that you have heard so far?
What type of studio monitors are you using?
Have you all been reading "Remember - Be Here Now" much???
Will the Mellotron be making an appearance on any of the new songs?
Will there be female vocals on this album and if so who's? It won't be Billy singing back up vocals like on Zeitgeist will it?
And last question how much sleep do you guys get a night?
What is your favorite SP song of all time?
What audio production software do you prefer using these days? Is Protools still the standard or have you jumped in with Sonar or Cubase or any of the neato Linux ones? :)
Hey KB, excited about the forthcoming album. Can't wait to hear it. A couple of quick questions.
I assume it's being recorded in analog to capture the warmer tones that analog provides over digital recording?
Hopefully there's no additional background noise being introduced to muddle the sound of the genious guitars, bass, lyrics and drums. Think Machina 2... If there is additional noise, we'll call it "atmosphere", could you please elaborate on what equipment is being used to generate it and how the process works?
Great combination of your effort / the web - allowing us to get inside the sessions.
My question: How the hell does Billy remember all the tracks? (I forget the chords to Disarm!) What is his process?
This may not be far enough along in the process to know this answer but how much time will pass between each song being released? Will it be one a week being released or just randomly done?
No question. Just wanted to say thanks for doing this day to day and I hope you continue to do so! Even a few pictures and a few words on the events of that day with a short video clip are totally worth checking out everyday!!! I hope you continue to show more of Billy and the band playing tidbits during the recording process! Very exciting stuff!
do you see the bass guitar playing a more prominent role in any of the songs you are working on right now?
Also, I loved the general feeling of the troubadour band in the SITS stuff...is this 'gang' approach going to be used at all in the production? I.E., flutes, keys, violins, layered and various back up singers (other than Billy layered over himself), etc.?
Billy recorded some material in the other studio with singer Carina Round, so did he recorded songs for SP, or for Carina's album?
How s the spiritual atmosphere in the studio and what kind of things are you talking about beside the recording?
Where are Jeff Schroeder and Ginger Reyes?
Does Billy expect fans to accept the current recording lineup as being 'The Smashing Pumkins'?
In what kind of form does Billy plan to tour with some extent of credibility to name it 'The Smashing Pumpkins'?
Do you expect the members recording with the band to change frequently over the course of Teagarden?
Are any of the following songs being recorded now or in the future: Owata (yes!!!), As Rome Burns, Song for a Son, The Fellowship?
What is the next song you will be recording? The first song was "The Trip", correct?
Question was already asked kinda
"Are any of the following songs being recorded now or in the future: Owata (yes!!!), As Rome Burns, Song for a Son, The Fellowship?"
but im going to add will gossamer be recorded or re-recorded or even considered for teargarden?
All those songs were very enjoyable
Please. Ask a Billy if he is planning a tour in Brazil! We are waiting since 1998! :(
I hope it's not to late :
A question about songwriting.
How Mr Corgan approach a new song?
Find a guitare line first or write lirycs before?
I'm sure new songs will rock!!!
Does this new album include songs like El-En-Noy, Riverview and WP?? Please release these great songs?
What are Ichabod's favorite foods?
Hi Guys, what´s the frequency that the songs will be released after the first?
From the album title, quantity of songs, and said "psychedelic" sound of the upcoming album, it kind of reminds me of "Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness". I know it may not be a conscious but are you trying to bring back an overall "bigness" to the new era of the Pumpkins and how are the two albums similar? Also, is there going to be another tour? Please say yes. I missed the last few tours and the Pumpkins are my favorite band. Please tour again! :-(
Lots of love,
What do you guys do for inspiration/recuperation between such epic takes on such gnarly gear?
What do you find are the most challenging instruments to record accurately?
Hello! Peace & Love to all in the studio, I've got two questions:
1-Who did the beautiful artwork for the "Teargarden by Kaleidyscope?
2-What kind of coffee is being brewed?
Kerry your blog has been awesome, thank you!!
Billy's guitar rig: What models are all the heads/cabs, and what mods have been done (if any) - KT88's, etc.
How is the weather? :)
Do you guys need an in house massage therapist?
I could be in Chicago in no time!!
What Speakers does Billy Corgan use in his cabnet? What mic is used to record these speakers.
Is there any particular reason that you are not working with Alan Moulder or Flood, on this or the last couple records?
First I just wanted to say how brave of you to make such a big promise to answer all of these questions- thank you so much! I am so thrilled with the way you guys are progressing, the songs I've heard so far are awesome. Anyways, my question is:
Which song of the 44 is Billy's favorite?
Will Billy be recording vocals in his "hushed" sighing style, a la Hummer or Soma?
will you guys be using binural tones on teargarden?
what are the names of the songs being recorded!
The album title, number of songs and everything else that's been announced about "Teargarden" seem to hearken back to "Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness". In what ways are these two albums similar? Also, will there be a tour for "Teargarden"? PLEASE please please tour again. You're my favorite band and I've missed the previous two tours. :-(
Lots of love,
Tony B, Shreveport, Louisiana
1) Will there be a world tour accompanying the release of Teargarden by Keleidyscope?
2) What's involved in Billy's composing process? Does he just hear a tune in his head simply knows what he wants?
3) And how does he write such profound and symbolic lyrics? Especially those of the Mellon Collie era?
* deep breath *
My undying question would be simply this:
"How does Billy feel about the recording process for this album in comparison to past albums, in terms of factors like pressure, song selection, or time allowance?"
MudIsland Mike, I'm confused, What's your question?
^^ Handled beautifully, Kerry. :) ^^
MudIsland Mike, I can see that you are terribly unhappy with your life at the moment. People who leave nasty and negative comments on someone else's blog (it's like being invited into someone's home and disrespecting their property) are truly miserable. Go get some counselling or something or learn some yoga. Otherwise, don't be disrespectful to someone's hard work.
Like I've said before, The Smashing Pumpkins isn't a group of people; that's only what's on the outside. The Smashing Pumpkins is a positive entity, a spiritual force and I think Billy and whoever is involved at the moment are handling it fantasticly (<----is this a word?)
Hey, cool idea! I was just wondering if there's plans to tour with this album- and if you guys tour the UK, will you please come to Newcastle this time?
It's a question that'll be asked time and time again, but it's about time Newcastle got to hear these lovely songs live!
Far too early to even consider this, but it's worth getting it in there while you're nice enough to give us the opportunity to ask =]
Good work with the blog mate, thank you for letting us see everything happen, it's really great!
Will Gingger Shankar and her double neck violin be featured on Teargarden by Kaleidyscope?
when an artist writes a song can they tell if it's a hit or is it a surprise sometimes?
Is Billy planning to release MACHINA II in the near future?
What kind of mic do you like to use on a bass amp...or do you prefer to go direct...both?
Should I play a few more levels of Lego Star Wars? There are a hell of a lot of bounty hunter missions to do, but there's no way I'm going to get all of the gold bricks to get 100% completion of the game. this truly feels like a crossroads of my life. Please help me.
How long are you in the studio per day? Is it an 8-5 thing or is it just based on progress you made that day. Good luck with recording and hope to hear As Rome Burns at some point.
this might be a question for billy....
my question is: what guitar(s) is billy using now? will any of the old strats make an appearance?
Are any of the songs from the Orange Peel or Fillmore residencies going to be recorded? (Sorry, I know this question is incredibly late.)
What is the direction the song freak is heading in? will it be recorded electric or acoustic ? and what is billy's superbowl pic + thoughts on the new look bears?
what about a live streaming of a recording session?
The album sounds very Mellon Collie-ish in scope. Is the new album similar to that record, not necessarily writing wise but in variation of both style and instrumentation. On a side note to Billy, are there still plans for those Smashing Pumpkins era tours (gish/siamese/mellon collie/adore) or have those ideas been and gone?
here in my country we say the last thing to die is hope, so a very simple question:
whats your ambition for this record?
ps: Portugal is waiting.....
This is completely off-topic, but I gotta ask it just in the hopes that Billy reads it.
How did it feel to kick that douche from The Used in the stomach? Cause I gotta say, you were already my hero before that, but that certified your status.
Much love, and thanks in advance for the upcoming sweetness.
this question is for billy, although i'd appreciate mark/kerry's commentary as well. billy, i am wondering about what time frame did you start to change your thinking as far as spirituality is concerned? i have been a SP fan for many many years and i find daily inspiration in your new fromheretothere.com, but i am just wondering (as a fan) when you started to thinking on a "higher level" of enlightened consciousness, or maybe it is perhaps as a Be-ING you have always had that spirituality inside of you (which is what i believe), and in some ways suppressed it. when did this start to change for you? i hope my question is not to vague, and i want you all to know i'm a huge supporter of SP and always will be.
love and peace,
joel from THE ohio state university
This is the best blog in the universe..
Do you feel music is still valued and appreciated? Why is it hard to get people to sit and listen these days not only to music but each other.
Are we blind to a world we see?
Are we blind or is it me?
I know the time for asking questions has long expired, but I was just wondering if there will be future Q&As. We all really appreciate this opportunity, and as the recording process progresses and we start to get more information about the music and the equipment being used little by little I'm sure we will have more questions than we do at the moment. So, any plans to do this again at a later time?
What happened to Billy's voice since Adore?
Has he damaged his voice or does he no longer care whether he puts emotion into a song or how he delivers it?
Has Billy forgotten the ordinary folk with his happy clappy lyrics?
Is he too busy 'living the dream' to care about real struggles or issues? Does he think we care about his politics or weird spiritual and religious rants?
Does Billy still enjoy playing guitar?
He seems bored by it, lacking the passion and innovation he once had which now belongs to people like Jack White.
Has Billy forgotten what it feels like to be great?
Why after a decade of bad albums, should we believe this one to be any different?
Why, after waiting years to see SP live and after already canceling a show I bought tickets to, did Billy play as if he just wanted to go home, not putting in any effort or bothering how he played the songs.
Does Billy not feel he has duped his biggest fans?
Or are his fans just duping themselves?
It's "fans" like you that make working in the music industry a nightmare. You don't have the slightest idea what Billy Corgan, or any other musician, goes through every day to make a living in the music world. Nothing you said was the slightest bit constructive towards Billy. You're just bitching about your own preferences.
So you weren't satisfied with your own SP concert experience. Why does that mean seeking out a way to contact Billy, just to tell him that his voice, songwriting, religion or guitar playing are not good enough for YOU personally?
And you think "caring about real struggles and issues" means he has to write the kind of music you want him to write? You say he's disappointed you with his last string of albums; so why the fuck are you seeking out this studio blog to personally attack his character THIS MANY YEARS LATER?
Move on! If you don't like the music he's making, find a band you do enjoy. Listen to SP's old albums. Stop trying to make everyone else's life a living hell, just because you're not happy with what you're getting.
Lostfan, you're ridiculous. Next time you go off stating your opinions as facts, make sure no one's unfortunate enough to be around to hear them. Above anything you think about his music (most of us couldn't disagree more, by the way), you felt big enough to attack Billy's beliefs and religion? Billy does a fucking beautiful thing with that site of his, you're just too closed minded (and dare I assume, stupid?) to even realise. You need to re-think your attitude, and give people a bit of respect, that was really fucking pathetic, I'm not the only one you've annoyed with that either.
The beauty of the internet is that I'm free to voice my opinion even if you don't like it.
If you think that Zeitgeist stands up to the sheer awe-inspiring brilliance of SD and MCIG, well that's fine I'll let you have your opinion.
The sales from those two albums seem to suggest most people side with my opinion.
I'll admit sales do not define a masterpiece but I am sure that few will ever regard Zeitgeist as such.
I'm sorry that I find the lyrics post Adore about as appealing as a Britney Spears song.
I was ripped off when I was just a kid spending all my money to see the Pumpkins play. I think by then Billy had already decided that he was never going to give his fans what they wanted.
Isn't the point of music to reach and move people.If you don't care about people's opinions of your music then why play to people?
MelRoberts,I bought Gish,Siamese Dream,Pisces Iscariot,Mellon Collie (twice),Adore,Machina and even the Future Embrace and Zeitgeist in the hopes that they may recall a past greatness.You're so righteous but you probably downloaded illegally.I have every right to visit and make comments on this site.
Mel,how does asking a question constitute stating an opinion as fact and how does insulting and swearing at me make you right and intelligent?
Okay, so you've been an arsehole on someone else's blog, and now you're assuming I download CDs illegally? I work within the music industry, I wouldn't dream of it. You do have a right to your opinions, but we all therefore have a right to tell you when we think you're being a twat- if you can't handle that, speak to yourself next time.
I've bought some CDs that are total shit, and then met the band later on- I wouldn't dare be an arsehole and mouth off just because I didn't personally like them, or persuade myself that the people who do like it are "duping themselves". There's having an opinion, and there's having a total lack of respect for someone.
The Smashing Pumpkins and all its past and present members are people, no one owns them just because their music's available to buy in a shop, they don't owe you anything, and they're people too.
Honestly, there's someone else who's commented about your remarks, I would take that as a hint about your attitude towards people.
Music is simply an expression of emotion. It is an art. The music Billy writes is forever changing and recreating itself along with him- along with his journey in life. If Billy made all of his music sound like Gish, an album as spectacular as MCIS would probably never have been made.
We can't spend our lives wishing things could be how they were before.
Sure, you probably wont make an emotional connection with every album along the way, but that's okay. Take it, or leave it. We are lucky to have been given access to his beautiful music at all.
Your opinion is as valid as any, but please try to focus your energy into a happier light. And remember- there is nothing wrong with expressing an opinion. If it is okay that you publicized your angry rant of a comment, Billy has every right to publicize his religious/spiritual beliefs, too.
Mayonaise, you're so much cooler than I am, I just usually go "hereman you're a knob!"- I suppose a bit of it's where I'm from.. up here in Newcastle (UK), we kind of value people who'll tell us when we're acting like idiots, haha. You seem pretty smart, I like that =]
Fair enough Mayonaise, you have some good points.
I think that the very fact that people do get emotional about Billy's music is a huge compliment in itself for him.
The fact is that SP has lost a lot of fans and they must have a reason for leaving.
If Billy is playing music for his fans this will surely matter to him.If he is playing for himself it will not.
I am not asking that SP stand still in time, I just feel they (he) should embrace what made them great instead of shunning it.
I really think Billy has one of the most unique and beautiful voices when he uses it properly.
It has been delivered with the same mundane pitch and tone on the last few albums.Compare that with the soft beauty contrasting against the screams and snarls on MCIG.
I am sorry if you think that this is criticizing Billy Corgan but I've noticed a lot of questions on this blog refer to the grandeur of MCIG so I must be on to something if this album and Siamese Dream are widely considered as the benchmark.
I am sure that Billy has received many compliments and criticisms before.The music industry is a tough business despite MelRoberts naivety.
You're right Melanie R, Mayonaise is more intelligent than you.Although he spelled mayonnaise incorrectly, you probably couldn't spell it at all.
Melanie, seeing as though you are from New Castle and have stated that you enjoy people telling you that you are an idiot, I'll take this opportunity to tell you that you are a complete douche-bag
First off, don't show your ignorance further by assuming my name is Melanie. Don't want us to think that we don't know what we're talking about, do we?
The point is, we respect someone who's going to be straight with us, not that we enjoy being called an idiot, that's just stupid man, what the hell's wrong with you?
Y'know I find it funny how you say you've spent years being "ripped off", since the way you speak makes me feel as if you're about 15, with your "boo-fuckin'-hoo, I don't like this music anymore! No one will do what I want!" bullshit. You whinge on like a child, and then you're a twat enough to whinge on on a place where you know fine well the band has access to- it's just stupid, immature and disrespectful.
I don't know why I'm bothering I've said that before and you've ignored it to throw the most ridiculous "insults" at me- why, because you know I'm right or something? Or can you just not be arsed to read what someone's saying to you? Seriously, grow up- if you're like this without your computer, it's a wonder how you take three steps out the front door without getting a smack.
Oh, and of course I know how to spell Mayonnaise- and every other word here right- I'm a writer, a student and a music promoter, don't make assumptions that I'm stupid, you're just showing how ignorant you are.
God, y'know what? Let's just sit back now and wait for K.B to come back and delete all these comments.
Thank you, MelRoberts.
First off, Mayonaise is the name of my favorite Smashing Pumpkins song- spelled "Mayonaise". Maybe if you really knew something about the band, you might know that, too. Secondly, I am a girl.
The internet is the easiest place to say whatever you want without any dire consequences. That doesn't mean we should use it to attack each other for things as silly as an acquisition of spelling error. We should use common courtesy as we would if we were talking in person. And for Billy's sake, I'm sure if Billy were standing in front of you right now, you wouldn't say to him all of the things you said before.
As people grow and change, many things about them will transform. Maybe Billy's intentions are somewhere else now about what he wants the feeling of a song to come off as, or maybe his voice has just been altered with age (as does everyone's). If you really want to convince Billy to change something, you need to inspire him to do so instead of critiquing him. I'm sorry that SP is not what you want them to be, but as you may learn later- you can't change everything around you. Either you need to change your perspective, or you need to move on.
The most important part of this disagreement is that we end it in a respectable manner. I do not plan on fighting any more opinions. We can have peaceful coexisting thoughts, even if they are not compatible.
"Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress."
Mahatma Gandhi
You're welcome babes, it's true, haha!
You're right about it all though- I reckon, if SP was ALWAYS the same, there'd be a lot more people than lostfan saying "SP sucks, they never change, it's getting stupid them doing the same thing 20 years later".
More to the point though, any new stuff doesn't at all change how the old stuff sounds, it'll always be there, if you prefer that, then just listen to that, it's not going anywhere.
Anyways yeah, I'm done with silly arguments, the Internet's really strange and makes people say things they wouldn't usually- I mean, I know I would say all I have in real life, but like I said, I'm a Geordie, we're not good at sugar-coating or hiding our feelings, haha!
Let's just not argue, we're going to make ourselves look silly before long =]
Why do I have to pretend Zeitgeist was great?
It didn't exactly get the best reviews or sell well so I don't stand alone on this.
I will not write: 'wow that was great' if I feel it isn't.
It seems to offend you Mel that I won't accept mediocrity as readily as you will.
I'm sure even Billy realizes Zeitgeist doesn't hold a candle to earlier albums.
Zeitgeist seems more of a bad self parody to me than the innovative leap forward you view it as.
I'm not asking that the music never changes just that it is worthy of the high standard SP set themselves with their earlier masterpieces.
The old albums will always sound the same but it is natural to hope for new material which brings new and more enjoyment.
I think that when artists lose integrity they risk blemishing their legacy.
When I hear the name Paul McCartney for instance, a corny,dancing fool pushing albums at Starbucks comes to mind, instead of what he should be remembered for.
Perhaps Billy needs to take a leaf out of R.E.M.'s book on how to treat fans,how to put on a great live show and how not to sell out.
You may or may not like R.E.M. but they have never heckled their fans at concerts,have never had fans walk out en masse during a concert,have never refused to play old material and have new material of a high enough standard to play alongside their older songs.
They don't speak to their fans through puppets or sell out to TV commercials.Whether you like their music or not there is little denying they are true professionals.
Mel, you need to calm down.
Being macho doesn't suit your build.
Mayonaise, I agree, I can't be bothered to try anymore. There's discussing different views, and there's attention seeking and being hostile.
So yeah, no more from me either, I just hope when K.B gets back he isn't too pissed off when he reads all that.
Lostfan, I'll leave you with this: "It's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than speak and remove all doubt".
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